Only for Love: Episode 30 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Only for Love: Episode 30. Shi Yan sits on the stairs of the bar. He doesn’t know what to do. Zhang Shuyi comes to Yi Yang with the skateboard. She tells him that she came to return the skateboard to her.

Who Is Fiona?

Only for Love

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Only for Love: Episode 30.

Yi Yang promises to tell Zheng Shuyi what happened that day if she skates. She returns to her office. She remembers Yi Yang told her that Shi Yan took her away. She tells herself not to expect something. She decides to interview Luo Hao since she cannot see Shi Yan.

The girl covers Shi Yan’s eyes. She asks him to guess who she is. He tells her that he knows she’s Fiona. He wonders why she didn’t tell Qin Shiyue about her comeback. She reveals Qin Shiyue agreed to let her come back after she told her that she would surprise Shi Yan.

Shi Yan asks Fiona about her plan. She reveals she wishes to help him. President Tian walks into Shi Yan’s office. Fiona runs to President Tian. She calls him father when she takes his arm. He blames her for not caring for him. But she tells him that he’s most important person in her eyes.

She mentions she came to see him after she left the airport. She explains to him that she came to have a talk with Shi Yan because she hadn’t seen him for a long time. But he doesn’t believe what she said. President Tian apologizes to Shi Yan for Fiona.

But Shi Yan tells President Tian that Fiona is like his real sister. President Tian asks Shi Yan to take Fiona home. He leaves his office. Zheng Shuyi eats noodles at the restaurant. She remembers Shi Yan prepared noodles for her.

Zheng Shuyi watches the Chinese drama on the TV. The girl tells her friend not to give up. Zheng Shuyi arrives at Shi Yan’s company. She plans to explain it to Shi Yan. But she sees him walking out of the company with a girl. He leaves with the girl.

Why Doesn’t Tang Yi Stay to Have a Meal with Guan Ji?

Nan Nan reports to Zheng Shuyi that Shi Yan’s childhood friend had talked with Shi Yan until midnight. But Zheng Shuyi thinks it’s not her business. Nan Nan mentions what Zheng Shuyi told her that she can only write the interview article when she knows the person well.

Guan Ji asks Bi Ruoshan to give a name to the little horse. She gives the name Yu Gong to the little horse. He hugs her. Guan Xiangcheng talks about the little horse with Tang Yi when he walks her. But he sees his son hugging a girl.

Guan Xiangcheng has tea with Bi Ruoshan. He thinks there’s a person who can manage his son. But she thinks Guan Ji is very good. Guan Ji mentions Shi Yan is going to come. He asks Tang Yi to have meal with them. But she rejects it because she needs to meet with her friend. Guan Xiangcheng walks to send her off.

Guang Xiangcheng tells Tang Yi to stay when he walks her. But she tells him that she’s not ready for it. He thinks she doesn’t have to apologize to him. He holds her hand. Shi Yan shows up. Bi Ruoshan blames Shi Yan for blocking Zheng Shuyi.

But Guan Ji tells Bi Ruoshan that Shi Yan is a victim. He mentions Shi Yan care for Zheng Shuyi. But she mentions Shi Yan flirted with other women. Shi Yan denies it. Guan Ji tells Bi Ruoshan that Shi Yan still has feelings for Zheng Shuyi. He asks her to tell Shi Yan what to do.

What Happens to Yun Chuang?

Shi Yan claims that he only likes Zheng Shuyi. Guan Ji asks Bi Ruoshan to help Shi Yan persuade Zheng Shuyi. But Shi Yan rejects it. Because he thinks it’s him and Zheng Shuyi’s problem. Zheng Shuyi reads the messages. She learns that the shareholders are going to take back their shares from Yun Chuang.

Tang Yi scolds Xu Yuling for not knowing it because he went to Yun Chuang each day. Xu Yuling apologizes to Yang Yi. But Tang Yi asks for a solution. She thinks they need an in-depth report. She tells Xu Yuling not to do the cover.

Yu Yuling is furious to tell Zheng Shuyi that Tang Yi summoned her. Zheng Shuyi goes to see Tang Yi. Tang Yi asks Zheng Shuyi to do the cover. Chen Sheng takes Zheng Shuyi to Shi Yan’s office. He reveals Shi Yan wishes to see her as well.

Zheng Shuyi tells Shi Yan that she wishes to interview him. But he tells her to leave because he cannot to her about Yun Chuang’s case. She’s sad to leave his office. Chen Sheng reports to Shi Yan that the reporters don’t leave.

Shi Yan shows up in the lobby. The reporters ask him if the shareholders actually intend to leave Yun Chuang. He admits that something happened to Yun Chuan. But he doesn’t want to leak the details. Zheng Shuyi returns to the magazine. Xu Yuling bumps Zheng Shuyi by mistake.

Zheng Shuyi cries. Nan Nan blames Xu Yuling for doing something bad to Zheng Shuyi. Xu Yuling claims that she just bumped Zheng Shuyi. Zheng Shuyi lets Xu Yuling leave. She wipes off her tears. She begins to work. Shi Yan receives a message from Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng asks Shi Yan if he wants to eat something. Shi Yan goes to the restaurant to eat noodles. He remembers Zheng Shuyi persuaded him to eat the seafood noodles. He sends a message to her. He invites her to eat the noodles with him.

Yu You walks into the classroom. He finds out that Qin Shiyue is in the classroom. She smiles at him. She tells the guy that she wishes to achieve her life goal. She asks him to explain the question to her after the class. The girl asks Yu You to sign the paper. But she sees Yu You’s girlfriend in the classroom.

SEE ALSO: Only for Love: Episode 29 Recap & Ending

Episode 30 of Only for Love ends with Qin Shiyue seeing Zheng Shuyi and Yi Tang at the restaurant when she dates Yu You. Qin Shiyue mentions hasn’t eaten with Zheng Shuyi. Yi Yang invites Qin Shiyue to have dinner with them. Qin Shiyue is happy to have a seat with Yu You.

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