The Love You Give Me Chinese Drama: Episode 9 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for The Love You Give Me Chinese Drama: Episode 9. Xin Qi and Zhou Ruji ask each other to taste the dishes. Min Hui is happy to tell Zhou Ruji that she wanted to eat pickled vegetables fish early. She finds out that the fish is very sour.

Min Hui Wears Maid Outfit for Getting the Investment from Xin Qi

The Love You Give Me

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for The Love You Give Me Chinese Drama: Episode 9.

Xin Qi tells Min Hui not to take Zhou Ruji home. He thinks she didn’t care for Quan Quan’s feelings. She explains to him that Zhou Ruji is Quan Quan’s doctor. She thinks he’s the random person in the family. He thinks she treats Zhou Ruji as a potential boyfriend.

Min Hui asks Xin Qi if he was a potential boyfriend. She tells him not to speculate someone else. She adds that Quan Quan likes Zhou Ruji very much. She tells him that it’s a fact no matter he accepts it or not. Quan Quan asks Xin Qi if he plans to sleep with him and Min Hui. He leaves the room after he gave him a kiss.

Quan Quan tells Min Hui that he wishes to sleep with her and Xin Qi. She tells him to forget that she slept with Xin Qi. The secretary brings the coffee to Cao Mu. But Cao Mu looks unhappy. Min Hui asks Cao Mu what she’s thinking.

Cao Mu complains to Min Hui that she hurt someone with her words. Min Hui wonders who made Cao Mu feel guilty. Cao Mu reveals the person is the guy she hit. Min Hui asks Cao Mu when He Haixiang will give the money to her. Cao Mu comforts Min Hui that He Haixiang cannot break the promise.

But He Haixiang breaks the promise and asks Min Hui to take over Ding Yifeng’s project. He confesses to her that he doesn’t intend to do the heart project. He tells her to look for the investment on her own if she wishes to do the project. She promises to look for the investment on her own. But she tells him that she won’t help Ding Yifeng.

Min Hui tells Cao Mu that she doesn’t want to waste her time on He Haixiang anymore. Cao Mu reminds Min Hui that it’s very hard to get the investment. She tells her to ask Xin Qi a favor. But Min Hui rejects it. She confesses to Cao Mu that she worries that Xin Qi will reject her.

Cao Mu tells Min Hui not to give up. She thinks she doesn’t have other better ways. She believes that Xin Qi will be moved by Min Hui’s heart project. Min Hui texts Xin Qi. She asks him if he will come home to have dinner. She prepares the dinner for him. She wears the clothes of maid.

Min Hui tells Xin Qi that she sent their son to her friend’s house. She tells him that she cooked the steak for him because Cao Mu thought the steak is very good. But he worries that she poisoned the steak. She denies it and eats the steak.

But Xin Qi tells Min Hui that the steak is hard to eat. She tells him to eat other dishes. She reveals the dishes were cooked by the restaurant. He mentions what she told him that all of the dishes were cooked by her. He asks her if she intends to ask him a favor.

Cao Mu is drunk to return home. She asks Chen Jiajun for food. But she finds out that he’s missing. Min Hui tells Xin Qi that the heart project is profitable. He wonders why He Haixiang didn’t invest in the project. She thinks He Haixiang doesn’t have the vision.

Xin Qi tells Min Hui that he would promise her if she told the project to him early. He reveals he’s talking about the investment of the cancer project with Watching Tide. Min Hui blames Xin Qi for working with Cheng Qirang. He wonders why she’s excited when he mentions Cheng Qirang.

Zhou Ruji knocks at the door when Xin Qi is playing with Quan Quan at home. Xin Qi opens the door. He tells Zhou Ruji that Ming Hui isn’t at home. Zhou Ruji claims that he came to see Quan Quan. Quan Quan lets Zhou Ruji in. He asks him to play with them.

But Zhou Ruji worries that Quan Quan will have a heart attack. Xin Qi shows his watch to Zhou Ruji. He claims that nobody knows heart more than him. Zhou Ruji tells Quan Quan that Min Hui asked him to come to see him. Xin Qi thinks Min Hui doesn’t worry about it since he’s at home.

Zhou Ruji talks back that he worries about it when Xin Qi is at home. Xin Qi brings the pizza to Quan Quan. But Zhou Ruji tells Xin Qi that Quan Quan dislikes pizza. He cooks noodles for Quan Quan. Cao Mu shows up at the parking lot. She notes that someone is tailing her.

Cao Mu hits the stalker with her bag. But she finds out that the stalker is Chen Jiajun. She wonders why he tailed her. She tells him to pick up the bag for her. She mentions he sent the breakfast to her. She asks him what he wants to do.

Chen Jiajun explains to Cao Mu that he wants to apologize to her for telling a lie to her. He tells her that he won’t tangle her. He runs away. Quan Quan thanks Zhou Ruji for cooking the noodles for him. Xin Qi asks Zhou Ruji if he has feelings for Min Hui.

Zhou Ruji tells Xin Qi that it’s not his business. Xin Qi thinks Zhou Ruji admits it since he didn’t deny. Zhou Ruji asks Xin Qi if he lives with Min Hui for other reasons. He thinks he has other reasons since he didn’t deny it. Xin Qi claims that he lives in Min Hui’s house for Quan Quan.

The Love You Give Me Chinese Drama: Episode 9 Ending

Episode 9 of The Love You Give Me Chinese Drama ends with Min Hui walking out of her room. She sees Xin Qi. She remembers that she kissed Xin Qi last night. She thinks it was a dream. She drinks the water. She finds out that it’s the honey water.

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