Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 26 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 26. Ye Xiwu wakes up. Tantai Jin feeds her the water. He tells her that he will promise her no matter what she asks for. She tells him that she wishes to be his empress.

Heartless Bride

Till the End of the Moon

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 26.

Tantai Jin is happy to agree to it when he hugs Ye Xiwu. But he doesn’t know Ye Xiwu is crying. Ye Qingyu mentions Ye Xiwu drove her family away when they came to pick her up. Tantai Jin asks Ye Qingyu not to mention it in front of Ye Xiwu. He worries that it will stimulate Ye Xiwu.

Tantai Jin thinks Ye Xiwu loves Grandma more than Ye Qingyu. He thinks Ye Xiwu is sad for Grandma’s death. He adds that Ye Xiwu saw Xiao Lin passing away in front of her since she has loved Xiao Lin for many years. But Ye Qingyu thinks Ye Xiwu should return home no matter Ye Xiao forgives her or not.

SEE ALSO: Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 25 Recap & Ending

Tantai Jin reveals Ye Xiwu told him that she wishes to cut ties with Ye family. He tells Ye Qingyu to remove Ye Xiwu’s name from the clan book of Ye family. Ye Qingyu wonders why Tantai Jin wishes to marry Xe Xiwu since she tried to kill him.

Tantai Jin thinks Ye Xiwu is the only one who doesn’t give up him. He doesn’t ask for anything since Ye Xiwu agrees to love him. Ye Xiwu takes a look at the nails. Ye Zeyu tries to break into Ye Xiwu’s room. But he’s blocked by the eunuchs.

Ye Zeyu asks Ye Xiwu to come out to explain it. He thinks she doesn’t have a heart. She walks out of her room. She tells the eunuchs to take away Ye Zeyu. Ye Zeyu cries to blame Ye Xiwu. He thinks she’s not a human because Grandma was nice to her. Ye Qingyu asks Ye Xiwu why she avoided her family. But she tells him that she can let Tantai Jin fire him. He thinks she’s not like his older sister. She tells him that she has cut ties with Ye family. He leaves her room.

Ye Xiwu wears the wedding dress to walk to Tantai Jin. He smiles to pick her up. He holds out his hand. But she refuses to hold his hand. It snows when Tantai Jin walks Ye Xiwu. He tells her not to fear it when he holds out his hand again. She holds his hand this time.

Tantai Jin embroidered the lotus on Ye Xiwu’s wedding veil for Ye Xiwu. He wished to live out his life with Ye Xiwu. Ye Xiwu waits for Tantai Jin in the wedding room. She remembers she told herself to complete her task after she saw Xiao Lin.

Tantai Jin takes off Ye Xiwu’s veil. She takes a look at him. He smiles when he looks at her. She thanks him. He reminds her that she doesn’t have to thank him because they’re couple when he holds her hand. She hugs him and strokes his face. She tells him that she’s going to give a present to him.

Ye Xiwu kisses Tantai Jin. She gets the last nail. She opens her eyes where The World of Gem hides. He recognizes the gem. She casts the six nails into his heart. She confesses to him that she came to kill him. He realizes that she came to him for taking his life.

Tantai Jin asks Ye Xiwu what she told him are lies. He tells her that he still has feelings for her. But she tells him that she never loved him. She tries to cast the rest nails into his heart. But Dragon Scale blocks the nails. Ye Xiwu tries to catch the nails. But the nails disappear. She tears up. Tantai Jin asks Ye Xiwu why she told a lie to him. He passes out. She cries to pass out as well.

Ye Xiwu wakes up. She finds out that she’s in the jail. She cries to tell her father and her uncle that she tried her best. She feels guilty. Pian Ran walks Ye Qingyu. She asks him if he knew Ye Xiwu’s plan. She thinks Tantai Jin will punish Ye family once he wakes up.

Ye Qingyu remembers Ye Xiwu wished to cut ties with Ye family. He thinks Ye Xiwu cut ties with Ye family because she planned to kill Tantai Jin. Pian Ran thinks Ye Xiwu did it for Xiao Lin. Ye Qingyu decides to return home. Ye Bingchang plans to not to let Ye Xiwu speak.

Ye Qingyu shows up. He tells Ye Bingchang to go to see their father with him. Ye Zeyu is told that Ye Xiwu tried to kill Tantai Jin. Ye Qingyu tells Ye Xiao to flee because he worries that he will get involved. But Ye Xiao rejects it because she doesn’t want to give up Ye Xiwu. He tells Ye Qingyu to leave his house. Ye Bingchang smiles. She tells Ye Xiwu not to blame her since she doesn’t cherish her life.

Tantai Jin wakes up. Nian Baiyu reports to Tantai Jin that the nails cannot be pulled out from his heart. Tantai Jin thinks it’s a good news. He tells Nian Baiyu that he prefers to let the nails stay in his heart. But he begins to vomit blood.

Nian Baiyu cries to tell Tantai Jin that he can only have three years of life even if he takes care of himself well. Tantai Jin laughs. He asks Nian Baiyu about Ye Xiwu. Nian Baiyu reveals Ye Xiwu is locked up in the dungeon. He adds that Ye Xiwu refused to eat.

Tantai Jin visits Ye Xiwu. He asks her if she thinks he’s very stupid. He thinks she’s scared because she can only see a beam of light from the cell. He reveals he had scared before she married him. He reminds her that nobody will come to save her.

Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 26 Ending

Episode 26 of Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama ends with Ye Bingchang asking Ye Xiwu if Tantai Jin drank the porridge or not. She wonders why he’s not dead. She confesses to her that she added Peacock Gall into the porridge. Ye Xiwu realizes that Tantai Jin thought she poisoned him for saving Xiao Lin.

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