Love of Replica Chinese Drama: Episode 1 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Love of Replica Chinese Drama: Episode 1. Xu Xixi is tailed by the cars. She scolds the driver after she found out that he slowed down. Lu Jinyan is in another car. He tells the driver to slow down. But he wants to protect Xu Xixi.

Xu Xixi Loses Her Memories After She Fell Into the Sea

Love of Replica

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Love of Replica Chinese Drama: Episode 1.

The driver drives the car into the sea for avoiding the truck. Lu Jinyan jumps into the sea to save Xu Xixi. She wakes up from the room. President Xu asks Xu Xixi if she’s fine. But she doesn’t know who he is until he tells her that he’s her father.

The driver gets on knees to Lu Jinyan. He explains to him that Xu Xixi asked him to accelerate. He tells him that he doesn’t wish to be caught by President Xu. President Xu shows up with a club. Lu Jinyan pushes the driver’s head into the water.

President Lu tells Lu Jinyan to kill the driver. He leaves. Lu Jinyan releases the driver. Xu Xixi tells the doctor that she can remember nothing. He comforts her that she lost her memories because of the car accident. He thinks her memories will come back after she contacts the things she likes.

Xu Xixi takes a look at the family photo of her and President Xu. President Xu worries that Xu Xixi will do something bad to herself. She finds the horror magazines. President Xu asks Lu Jinyan to take care of Xu Xixi. He tells him that Xu Xixi is his life.

Lu Jinyan promises to protect Xu Xixi. He thinks the car accident wasn’t an accident. He decides to be close to Xu Xixi to find the truth. The maid reports to Lu Jinyan that something bad happened to Xu Xixi again. He breaks into the bathroom and saves her from the bathtub.

But Xu Xixi attacks Lu Jinyan with the pen. She asks him who he is. He tells her that he’s her bodyguard who’s responsible for protecting her. She remembers he saved her from the sea. He carries her to the bed after he tied her up.

Xu Xixi asks Lu Jinyan to untie her. She explains to him that she didn’t intend to take her life. The maid apologizes to Lu Jinyan for mistaking it. She leaks that the stuff in the bathtub wasn’t blood. He unties Xu Xixi. The maid serves Xu Xixi to take the medicine.

Xu Xixi thanks the maid for her serving. It makes the maid stare at Xu Xixi. She tells her that it was her first time to thank her. Xu Xixi walks out of her house. She finds out that the garden is very beautiful. But someone tries to take a photo of her.

The light hurts Xu Xixi’s eyes. Lu Jinyan holds the umbrella to hug Xu Xixi. He shoots the photographer with the umbrella. Lu Jinyan and Xu Xixi have an eye contact. Lu Jinyan tells the bodyguard to go to interrogate the photographer because he wants to who’s the photographer’s boss.

The lady shows up. She introduces the photographer as the bad reporter who took photos of actresses. The reporter explains to Lu Jinyan that he didn’t take any photo of Xu Xixi. The lady thinks the report was sent by Xu Mengyun. She asks him to tell Xu Mengyun that the endorsement she wishes to get was taken by Xu Xixi.

The reporter is taken away. Lu Jinyan introduces the lady as Xu Xixi’s manager Tian Sui to Xu Xixi. Tian Sui reminds Xu Xixi that it’s her debut. But Xu Xixi claims that nobody informed her about it. She thinks she cannot give the performance because she remembers nothing. Tian Sui comforts Xu Xixi that she will takes care of everything if she shows up.

Love of Replica Chinese Drama: Episode 1 Ending

Episode 1 of Love of Replica Chinese Drama ends with Xu Xixi giving a stunning debut. Lu Jinyan takes her home. She cares for his injury. He tells her that he’s fine. He claims that it’s his duty to protect her. She tells him that she realized that she’s Xu Xixi when he hugged her on the stage.

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