Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 18 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 18. Ye Bingchang wakes up. She finds out that she was defeated by Ye Xiwu even if she was powerful. Devil God shows up. He asks Ye Bingchang if she learned something from Ming Ye’s dream.

Does Sang Jiu Forgive Ming Ye?

Till the End of the Moon

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 18.

Devil God mentions Ye Bingchang was helpless when she was bullied by Ye Xiwu since childhood. He adds that she persuaded herself that she cannot own everything Ye Xiwu owns because she’s just a daughter of a concubine. Ye Bingchang denies it. She thinks she doesn’t need to be compared with Ye Xiwu.

Devil God asks Ye Bingchang why she took Ye Xiwu’s love thread. He asks her if Xiao Lin would have feelings for her if she didn’t have the love thread. He thinks she will be liked by each man as long as she owns the treasure. But he points out that Dream Monster caught her because of the love thread.

SEE ALSO: Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 17 Recap & Ending

Devil God tells Ye Bingchang that the love thread isn’t enough if she wants to defeat Ye Xiwu. He mentions everything was taken from her even if she was the princess of Snake Clan. He thinks Tian Huan wouldn’t be killed if she didn’t love the man she shouldn’t love.

Devil God tells Ye Bingchang that she will be a loser like Tian Huan if she cannot catch the chance. She laughs to tell him that she won’t take the path Tian Huan took. She thinks she won’t flatter Ming Ye like Tian Huan. She claims that she will only do things for herself. He laughs to wish her to have a better fate than Tian Huan.

Ming Ye walks into Jade Palace. He sees Tian Huan’s dead body. He takes a look at outside. He sees the thunder. Sang Jiu refined The World of Jade with the souls of Snake Clan. But she also brings the thunder. Ming Ye shows up. He asks Sang Jiu if she intends to resurrect her older brother with the stuff.

Sang Jiu denies it. Ming Ye asks Sang Jiu not to use The World of Jade. He thinks she brought the thunder because she refined the evil jade. He tells her that she will repay what she does if she uses the item. She yells at him that she didn’t think about good ending when she pulled out Water Sword.

Sang Jiu points her sword at Ming Ye. She tells him to step aside. But he walks to her and lets the sword stab him. She has to take back her sword. She tries to leave. But he ties her up. She asks him if he wishes her to repay for the lives of Snake Clan.

Ming Ye denies it. He tells Sang Jiu that he has a way to let her not be witch. She thinks he wants to use Essence Seal. He denies it. Ming Ye agreed to what Sang Jiu said that it’s not a deal. He thinks it should be a repaying. He tells her to take a look at the thunder. He tells her that the thunder can kill immortals.

Ming Ye tells Sang Jiu that the thunder came because she refined The World of Jade. He thinks she cannot resist the thunder punishment. She learns that it’s her thunder punishment. She takes a look at The World of Jade. She realizes that she will fail to resurrect her clansmen. She tears up.

Ming Ye hugs Sang Jiu. He tells her that he’s going to accept the thunder punishment for her. He adds that he will replace her evil bone with his divine essence when he passes away. She asks him to release her. But he ignores her and takes her to fly to the sky.

Ming Ye apologizes to Sang Jiu. He thinks he wasn’t a good husband. He feels sorry for not protecting her. He agrees to what she said that he was the one who made her be a devil. He tells her that he wishes to stay in the house with her.

Sang Jiu yells at Ming Ye that she won’t forgive him no matter what he does. She asks him to release her. But he hugs her tightly. He tells her to hate him. He wishes her to continue to live. But she tells him that her body had been eaten by the demons when she was in Demon Realm.

Sang Jiu confesses to Ming Ye that she didn’t understand why Tian Huan was forgiven. She tells him that she turned into a devil body because she had hatred in her heart. She cries to tell him that she’s destined not to pass the thunder punishment. She tells him not to think about repaying it. Because it’s what he owes her. She passes away and turns into a bead.

The bead flies to Ming Ye. He catches the bead. He decides to be a devil like her. Ye Xiwu wakes up. She sees Ming Ye becoming a devil. She thinks he will be a devil if she passes away. She tells him to continue to live for Sang Jiu since he cannot change Sang Jiu’s devil fate.

Ye Xiwu reminds Ming Ye that the Ming Ye Sang Jiu loved isn’t the one who surrenders to fate. She adds that Sang Jiu loves the War God who wears armor. He touches the bead. He sees Sang Jiu’s memories. He learns that she loved him because he was an integrity war god.

Ming Ye joins Sang Jiu. He finds out that he doesn’t become a devil. She mentions he was always the war god who protected other people. But he points out that he didn’t protect her. She strokes his face. She comforts him that she forgives him this time. He thinks he shouldn’t be a devil. He decides to be the war god Sang Jiu loves all his life. He sheds a tear.

Ye Xiwu catches the tear. She finds out that it’s Soul Bead Tear. Tantai Jin wakes up from Ming Ye’s dream. He asks Ye Xiwu about the feelings. They get out of Ming Ye’s dream. Tantai Jin tries to be close to Ye Xiwu. But Xiao Lin attacks Tantai Jin and makes him step back.

Tantai Jin fights with Xiao Lin. Pang Yizhi joins the battle. Ye Xiwu takes a look at Ming Ye’s skeleton. She disappears. Tantai Jin calls Ye Xiwu. He sees the dragon’s skeleton as well. He tries to touch the skeleton. But the skeleton disappears.

Tantai Jin thinks the dragon is a bad person. Nian Baiyu reminds Tantai Jin that they have to leave. Tantai Jin takes a look at the goddess statue. He wonders why Ming Ye chose him. Pang Yizhi takes the people to leave Ink River.

Ye Bingchang grabs Ye Xiwu’s hand. But Ye Xiwu steps back when she stares at Ye Bingchang. She remembers Tian Huan tried to kill her in the dream. Ye Bingchang reminds Ye Xiwu that she’s her older sister. Ye Xiwu apologizes to Ye Bingchang.

Ye Xiwu asks Pang Yuzhi about the dragon. He reveals the dragon has passed away. But he left the dream. Xiao Lin wonders why the dragon had to do so. Ye Xiwu realizes that the dragon did it for a prophecy. She remembers what Ji Ze told her that she needs three keys to ruin the evil bone.

Ye Xiwu tells people that Ming Ye left the dream because he was locked up by love. She believes that Ming Ye wished the people to learn something from his case. She wishes Sang Jiu to meet with Ming Ye somewhere. Xiao Lin offers to return to the camp.

But Ye Xiwu refuses to leave with Xiao Lin because she has a business. She reveals she’s going to go to Jing Kingdom. Pang Yizhi reminds Ye Xiwu that Tantai Jin will kill her if he catches her because she ruined Tantai Jin’s plan.

Xiao Lin tells Pang Yizhi to let Ye Xiwu go. He thinks Ye Xiwu will reach her goal even if he doesn’t know what she wants to do. She hands over Past Mirror to Pang Yizhi. She asks him to let Xiaoyao Sect keep the item. She walks away.

Ye Xiwu thinks she should make Tantai Jin fall for her since she has taken the dream and gotten the tear. Nian Baiyu mentions Tantai Jin has waited by Ink River. He asks him what happened in the dream. Tantai Jin remembers Ye Xiwu kissed him in the dream. He wonders why he keeps thinking about the things in the dream.

Tantai Jin remembers Ye Xiwu protected him when Fu Yu tried to kill him. He thinks Ye Xiwu left with Xiao Lin. He intends to return to his camp. But Ye Xiwu calls him and runs to him. She smiles at him. He mentions she left. She wonders why she came back.

Ye Xiwu mentions she married Tantai Jin. She asks him if he intends to give up her when she takes his arm. He shakes off her hands. He thinks she told a lie to him. He tells Nian Baiyu to tie Ye Xiwu. Ye Xiwu pushes Nian Baiyu away.

Ye Xiwu complains to Tantai Jin that she swam across Ink River for coming to see him. He doesn’t believe what she said. Because her ribbon isn’t wet. He takes over the rope from Nian Baiyu. He ties Ye Xiwu up with the rope. He throws the rope to Pian Ran. He asks Pian Ran to check if Ye Xiwu is possessed by a spirit.

Ye Xiwu tries to chase Tantai Jin. But Pian Ran pulls Ye Xiwu to her side. She asks her what she wants to do. Ye Xiwu smiles. Pian Ran’s smiling is frozen. She takes Ye Xiwu away. Pian Ran takes Ye Xiwu to the tent. She tells her not to come up with any evil plans.

Pian Ran tells Ye Xiwu that Tantai Jin will pluck her fox fur if she’s not honest. Ye Xiwu smiles to tell Pian Ran that she prefers to follow them than running away. Pian Ran leaves the tent. Ye Xiwu takes a look at the rope. She thinks Tantai Jin treated her as a captive.

Ye Xiwu thinks she can say anything if she can give up her face. She drinks the tea. She wonders how does she make the little devil god develop love thread. She remembers the bead tear was hot when she took Tantai Jin’s arm. Ye Xiwu breaks into Tantai Jin’s tent. She tells him that she wants to sleep in his tent.

Tantai Jin rejects it. It makes Ye Xiwu believe that Sang Jiu left a shadow to Tantai Jin on that night. She asks him what he learned from the dream. He remembers she kissed him. He thinks she has no shame to think about the kiss.

Tantai Jin thinks Ming Ye was a fool to give up the god’s power. He intends to replace the ancient devil god. Ye Xiwu worries about it after she found out that Tantai Jin is envy of demon god. She thinks she shouldn’t be like Sang Jiu if she likes someone.

Ye Xiwu tells Tantai Jin that she visited him because she wanted to confess her feelings to him. She blinks. But he tells Nian Baiyu to take her away. It makes Ye Xiwu believe that Tantai Jin is shy. Ye Bingchang tells Xiao Lin what Tian Huan did wasn’t her intention.

Ye Bingchang tells Xiao Lin that she felt chill when she thought about the fight of them. He comforts her that it was just a dream. She smiles to tell him that she needs to be protected by him because she’s just a weak woman. He tells her that he will protect her no matter what happens.

Xiao Lin mentions Sang Jiu became a devil because of love. He tells Ye Bingchang that he felt painful when he thought of her because he was Sang Jiu’s older brother in the dream. Ye Bingchang tells Xiao Lin not to worry about Ye Xiwu because she thinks Ye Xiwu will be the empress of Jing Kingdom.

Xiao Lin agrees to what Ye Bingchang said. He thinks it was just a dream. He decides to protect Ye Bingchang. Ye Bingchang remembers what Devil God told her that Xiao Lin wouldn’t love her if she didn’t take Ye Xiwu’s love thread.

Ye Bingchang thinks she would be bullied if she doesn’t have the love thread. She tells herself to use the love thread well. Tantai Jin remembers Ye Xiwu thought he’s shy. He wonders why he felt happy when he saw her. Pian Ran tells Ye Xiwu to clean the goose house. She tells her that it’s Tantai Jin’s plan.

Ye Xiwu pretends to pass out. But Pian Ran tells Ye Xiwu that she knows she came to flirt with Tantai Jin. She tells her not to be shy. She reveals Tantai Jin is going to return to the capital. She tells her to work hard if she doesn’t want to stay at the camp.

Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 18 Ending – Does Tantai Minglang Survive?

Episode 18 of Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama ends with Fu Yu telling Tantai Minglang to take care of himself after she saved him. He thinks he wouldn’t live in the cave without her help. She reports to him that the chancellors at the court joined Tantai Jin.

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