Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 17 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 17. Sang Jiu tells Crystal that she agrees to become a devil if she can kill her enemy. She tells him that she won’t regret even if she will pass away because what she does.

Why Sang Jiu Refuses to Resurrect Her Clansmen with the Crystal Lamp of Snake Clan?

Till the End of the Moon

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 17.

Sang Jiu absorbs the souls of her clansmen. She holds Water Sword. She tells the sword to attack God Realm with her. The guard complains to another guard that Tian Huan replaced the guards with her clansmen. Sang Jiu shows up. The guard calls her monster. She kills all of the guards and controls him.

The maid gets on knees to Tian Huan. She asks her for her mercy. But Tian Huan tells the maid to blame Sang Jiu. She tells her that she dislikes her because she served Sang Jiu. The maid refuses to leave. She intends to talk about the case with Ming Ye.

SEE ALSO: Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 16 Recap & Ending

Tian Huan smiles to walk to the maid. She thinks she threatened her with Ming Ye. She kills the flower fairy. Another flower fairy asks Tian Huan for her mercy. The bodyguard reports to Tian Huan that Sang Jiu asked for a meeting up. He adds that Sang Jiu wishes to apologize to her.

Tian Huan goes to see Sang Jiu. She thinks it’s too late to apologize to her. But Sang Jiu tells Tian Huan that she came to kill her. Tian Huan lets the bodyguards rush to Sang Jiu. Sang Jiu defeats the bodyguards and hurts Tian Huan.

Tian Huan realizes that Sang Jiu became a devil. She uses the ribbon formation to deal with her. But Sang Jiu cuts off the ribbon. She drags Tian Huan to her side. She stabs her with Water Sword. She cuts her and makes her fall to the floor.

Sang Jiu tells Tian Huan that she’s going to be killed by her when she walks to her. Ming Ye turns Devil Seal into God Seal. He thinks he’s going to rebuild the divine essence for Sang Jiu. The bodyguard reports to Ming Ye that there was a witch catching Tian Huan.

Ming Ye sees Tian Huan feeling painful when she’s in the pool. He asks Sang Jiu what she wants to do. She takes a look at him. He finds out that she became a devil. Tian Huan reports to Ming Ye that Sang Jiu took away her divine essence. She asks him to save her.

Ming Ye tells Sang Jiu to drop Tian Huan’s divine essence. He holds out his hand and tells her to come to him. But she breaks the divine essence. She tries to stab Tian Huan. But Ming Ye stops Sang Jiu when he hugs her. His arm is hurt by her.

Sang Jiu tells Ming Ye to release her. She tells him that she wants to kill Tian Huan. He stuns her and tells the bodyguard to save Tian Huan. The flower fairy reports to Ming Ye about what Tian Huan did. She thinks Nv Er was wronged to death.

Ming Ye promises to ask for the justice for the flower fairies. He asks the bodyguard if the clansmen of Mussel Clan were killed. He thinks he shouldn’t be Tian Huan’s slave even if he was forced. The bodyguard explains to Ming Ye that they were tricked by Tian Huan. He confesses that they felt guilty after they had come back. He asks for a light punishment. Ming Ye tells the bodyguards to get lost.

Sang Jiu wakes up. She finds out that she’s tied up by the rope. Ming Ye asks the doctor about how to treat Sang Jiu. He thinks he cannot tie Sang Jiu all the time. The doctor thinks Sang Jiu became a devil because her clansmen were killed. He tells him to heal Sang Jiu with the heart medicine.

Ming Ye thinks it’s not easy. He tries to get into the room to see Sang Jiu. But the doctor stops Ming Ye. He reminds him that Sang Jiu will be sad if he shows up. He tells him to let Sang Jiu stay alone. The bodyguard mentions Sang Jiu killed bodyguards. He tells Ming Ye not to be soft-hearted.

The bodyguard thinks Chuan Huan’s sacrifice means nothing if Ming Ye forgives Sang Jiu. Sang Jiu remembers what Tian Huan told her that Ming Ye won’t forgive her because she became a devil. Sang Jiu agrees to what Tian Huan said. She thinks she cannot turn back.

The follower reports to Ming Ye that Tian Huan woke up and cried. He gives Tian Huan’s confession to him. He tells him that Tian Huan asked for a meeting up. Ming Ye refuses to see Tian Huan because he thinks she’s worse than a devil.

The bodyguard meets with Tian Huan in the jail. He comforts her that the elders of their clan are going to see Ming Ye. Ming Ye looks at the crystal. He asks the elders what they want to get from him. The elder ask Ming Ye to forgive Tian Huan. He tells him that the crystal can help Sang Jiu resurrect her clansmen.

The elder reminds Ming Ye that Tian Huan is the princess of their clan even if she made a mistake. He asks him to forgive Tian Huan and rebuild her divine essence. He promises to lock Tian Huan up once she returns to Snake Clan. He tells Ming Ye that he won’t let Tian Huan leave Fog Mountain.

Ming Ye promises to forgive Tian Huan. But he refuses to release her. Tian Huan laughs after knowing Ming Ye’s decision. The bodyguard reminds Tian Huan that she keeps her life at least. But she thinks she just waits for her death because she lost her divine essence.

Tian Huan thinks Ming Ye is heartless to her. She blames Ming Ye for treating her in such a way since she loved him so much. She tells him not to think about to save Sang Jiu who has been a devil. She tells the bodyguard to tell the message to Sang Jiu after he throws Sang You’s dead body into Demon Realm.

The bodyguard reports to Ming Ye that the elders of Snake Clan left. Ming Ye wonders how did the elders knew he can rebuild divine essence. He tells the bodyguard to go to tail the elders. The bodyguard tries to leave. But he worries about Ming Ye because Ming Ye is going to refine the crystal after he refined Devil Seal.

Ming Ye tells the bodyguard not to persuade him. He takes a look at the crystal. He thinks he’s going to resurrect Sang Jiu’s clansmen if he turned the crystal into an item. He believes that Sang Jiu will return to good path. The maids talk about Sang You was thrown into Demon Realm. Sang Jiu hears the talk.

Sang Jiu arrives in Demon Realm to look for her older brother. Ji Ze shows up. He tells Sang Jiu to leave. But she rejects it because she wants to look for her older brother. He reminds her that she cannot deal with the devils. He asks her why Ming Ye let her come alone. She ignores him and jumps into the abyss.

Ming Ye refines the crystal and gets Crystal Lamp. The maid reports to Ming Ye that Sang Jiu is missing. Sang Jiu regrets for not listening to Sang You. She tells him to be alive. She sees the demons biting Sang You. She drives the demons away.

Sang Jiu finds out that Sang You is alive. She tries to take him away. But the demons surround Sang Jiu. They laugh because they think they’re going to have a meal. Sang Jiu picks up her sword. She tells the demons to get lost. But they attack her.

Ming Ye jumps into the abyss. He kills some demons. The demon recognizes Ming Ye. He thinks Ming Ye came for Sang Jiu. He tells him that Sang Jiu has been eaten by them. Sang Jiu is hurt by the demons. She wonders why they’re always the people who got bullied when she tries her best to climb to Sang You.

Sang Jiu complains to the heaven that they suffered when they did nothing wrong. She absorbs the demon’s power. Ming Ye shows up. He tells Sang Jiu not to continue to fall. She yells at him that the immortals likes him who would be called falling if he did evil things.

Ming Ye tells Sang Jiu to come back with him because he wants to make up her mistakes. She yells him where she should return. She points the sword at him. She asks him how he will punish the followers who killed her clansmen. He promises to punish his followers.

Sang Jiu asks Ming Ye if he forgave Tian Huan. He admits it. But he points out that Tian Huan is going to die because she lost her divine essence. Sang Jiu thinks Ming Ye is a good person who forgave Tian Huan. She asks him who will repay the lives of her father and her clansmen.

Sang Jiu tells Ming Ye that she wishes Tian Huan and his followers to die. She thinks those people were heartless when they killed her clansmen. She wishes them to pay the price for what they did. Ming Ye flies to Sang Jiu. He tells her that he doesn’t wish her to become a devil even if he understands her pain.

Ming Ye tells Sang Jiu not to die with Tian Huan. She tells him to get lost. But he’s close to her. It makes her stab him. He stuns her when she’s surprised. He lets her fall asleep in his arms. Ji Ze shows up. Ming Ye is surprised that Ji Ze is in Demon Realm.

Ji Ze reveals he volunteered to guard Demon Realm after his body had been ruined. He tells Ming Ye that he can help him and Sang Jiu leave. He tells him not to come back to Demon Realm. Tian Huan breaks the enchantment because Ming Ye isn’t in God Realm. He thinks God Realm belongs to Snake Clan since Ming Ye went to save his wife.

Sang Jiu wakes up. She sees Ming Ye. She wonders why he took her to the house. She thought he would take her to God Realm and lock her up. Because she killed some people. He tells her that she’s always the Sang Jiu he knows no matter she’s a devil or a god.

Sang Jiu asks Ming Ye about her older father. He tells her that he failed to save her brother even if he tried his best. He comforts her that the Crystal Lamp will resurrect her clansmen. She takes over Crystal Lamp from him. She finds out that the power in Crystal Lamp came from him.

Ming Ye tells Sang Jiu that he will try his best to rebuild her divine essence with Essence Seal. He believes that she will return to immortal path if she keeps doing good things. He tells her that he likes the days he took with her.

Ming Ye hugs Sang Jiu. He tells her to trust him one last time. But she asks him where he got the crystal. He confesses to her that he got it from Snake Clan. He tells her that he agreed to forgive Tian Huan when the elders of Snake Clan gave the crystal to him.

Ming Ye reminds Sang Jiu that she can only resurrect her clansmen when she gets the Crystal Lamp. He thinks she prefers her clansmen’s lives than Tian Huan’s life. She tears up and thinks he’s a good god. But she tells him that it’s not a deal.

Sang Jiu tells Ming Ye that she regrets for not killing herself. She reveals there’s only revenge since Tian Huan killed her clansmen. She tells him that she doesn’t have feelings to him anymore. She tells him that he will find ways to save her brothers. She adds that she cannot accept his love.

Sang Jiu lets Crystal Lamp fall to the ground. It’s broken. She stuns Ming Ye. The bodyguard blames Tian Hua for occupying God Realm. She thinks she should be the chief of God Realm since her families are heroes. He asks her where she was when he and Ming Ye fought with devils.

The bodyguard thinks Ming Ye will punish Tian Huan once he comes back. Tian Huan thinks Ming Yue isn’t qualified to punish her because he went to Demon Realm to save a monster. He tells her followers to throw the bodyguards into the tripod.

Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 17 Ending – Does Sang Jiu Kill Tian Huan?

Episode 17 of Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama ends with Sang Jiu showing up. She thinks it’s a good idea to refine the divine essence with the tripod. She intends to throw the whole Snake Clan into the tripod. Tian Huan tells her followers to kill Sang Jiu. Sang Jiu kills the followers. She defeats Tian Huan.

Tian Huan asks Sang Jiu for her mercy. Sang Jiu holds Tian Huan’s chin. She’s surprised that she fears death. Tian Huan tells Sang Jiu that she cannot stay with Ming Ye even if she kills her. Sang Jiu kills Tian Huan. She announces to hunt the clansmen of Snake Clan until there’s no the clan. She turns the dead bodies into the crystals.

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