Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 7 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 7. Old Madam Ye gives red envelopes to all of the people except Ye Xiwu. Ye Xiwu asks her grandma for her red envelop. Old Madam Ye gives a bad of silver to Ye Xiwu. She thinks it’s enough to her to spend for one year.

Does Ye Qingyu Know Pian Ran Is A Monster?

Till the End of the Moon

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 7.

Ye Xiwu is embarrassed to smile. She thanks Old Madam Ye for giving the gift to her. Old Madam Ye strokes Ye Xiwu’s hair. She thinks she has grown up. Ye Xiwu is moved to be in Old Madam Ye’s arms. She tells her father and her elder brother not to miss her.

Ye Xiwu tells her father that her families are nice to her. She thinks she still has a chance to save Tantai Jin. She tears up. The eunuch reports to Emperor that there’s a person helping Tantai Jin. He reveals there wasn’t any killer coming back.

SEE ALSO: Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 6 Recap & Ending

The eunuch gets on knees to Emperor. He asks him to punish him. But Emperor tells the eunuch to get up. He’s surprised that there’s a mysterious power behind Tantai Jin. He thinks he should get rid of Tantai Jin. He tells the eunuch to look for the person who’s behind Tantai Jin.

Tantai Jin walks into the yard. He tells the person to show up. The woman shows up. He thinks she’s the clansman of Moon Clan because she could use bird to send messages. She takes off the veil. He sees her face. He recognizes her. He remembers the woman Lan An asked him to wait for her.

Lan An gets on knees to Tantai Jin. She cries to tell him that she came back. She apologizes to him. But she claims that she didn’t lie to him. He asks her why she left. She mentions Emperor Jing let them pass away in the palace. She thinks it was hard to survive in the palace without the support.

Lan An explains to Tantai Jin that she intended to use Moon Clan’s power to save him. But the previous chief passed away. The new chief didn’t want to step in the case because he worried that he will offend Jing Kingdom. Tantai Jin asks An Ran if she stayed in Moon Clan.

An Ran denies it. She cries to tell Tantai Jin that she tried her best to survive. She adds that she married the chief of Moon Clan. She tells him that she spent 20 years to be Grand Priestess so that the whole clan listened to her.

An Ran tells Tantai Jin that she came back with Moon Army to look for him. He tells her to get up. She looks at him. She thinks he has grown up. He remembers she didn’t have the ability of Moon Clan. He wonders who sent the nightingale.

An Ran tells Nian Baiyu to show up. Nian Baiyu appears. He greets Tantai Jin. An Ran introduces Nie Baiyu as the chief of Moon Army to Tantai Jin. She tells him that Nie family will be loyalty to him. Tantai Jin asks Nie Baiyu if he has the talent.

Nian Baiyu admits it. He summons the nightingale. An Ran thinks Emperor Sheng has suspected Tantai Jin. She leaks that she killed the killers who were sent by Emperor Sheng. She thinks Emperor Sheng won’t give up. She tells him that she’s going to help him return to Moon Clan.

But Tantai Jin tells An Ran that he doesn’t intend to return to Moon Clan. She wonders if he prefers to be the hostage in Sheng Kingdom. She reminds him that Moon Clan is his family. She persuades him that only clansmen will care for him.

Tantai Jin remembers Ye Xiwu cared for him. An Ran asks Tantai Jin if he doesn’t want to get the life that he’s respected by people. He tells her that she wants to return to Jing Kingdom because he misses his hometown. She tells him that she will follow him no matter where he wants to go. She tells him that their ship can leave tomorrow.

Tantai Jin returns to Ye family. He thinks he won’t see Ye Xiwu tomorrow. Ye Xiwu startles him. She thinks he’s a fool to stand outside in a cold day. She tells him to have a talk with her if he feels boring. She takes out the fireworks. She tells him to set off a firework. But he rejects it.

Ye Xiwu sets off the fireworks. She finds out that it’s not beautiful. Tantai Jin thinks the fireworks aren’t bad. She tells him that she’s going to show a better thing to him. She takes out the life charm. She thinks it’s worth of wasting a charm because it’s New Year.

Ye Xiwu casts the charm to the sky. She watches the show and praises herself. Tantai Jin joins her. He asks her if she’s happy each New Year. She admits it and comforts him that nobody is going to bully him when she stays with him.

Ye Xiwu wishes Tantai Jin not to turn into Devil God when she stares at him. She offers to have a snowball fight. She throws the snowball to him first. They have a snowball fight. Pian Ran sees her lover Jiang Rao setting off fireworks with her when she drinks.

Pian Ran wonders why Jiang Rao went when she misses him. She tears up. Ye Qingyu visits Pian Ran. He finds out that she’s drunk. She trips and hugs him. She mistakes him as Jiang Rao. She thinks he came back. She falls asleep in his arms.

Master Ye finds out that Ye Qingyu didn’t come when he has a lunch with his families. He tells the follower to go to invite Ye Qingyu. The follower reports to Master Ye that Ye Qingyu hasn’t come back since last night. He thinks Ye Qingyu went to see a girl.

Master Ye is interested in the girl’s looks. He slaps the table. The follower intends to go to invite Ye Qingyu. But Master Ye stops the follower. He thinks Ye Qingyu bloomed the first time. He intends to accept the daughter-in-law even if she’s an evil spirit.

Ye Xiwu mentions what her father said that Ye Qingyu hasn’t come back since last night. Tantai Jin thinks the demon had some methods. Ye Xiwu remembers she smelled something weird when she tailed Ye Qingyu and Pian Ran. She thinks her brother encountered a monster.

Tantai Jin is surprised that Ye Xiwu became so smart. Ye Xiwu decides to go to see Pang Yizhi. Tantai Jin tells Ye Xiwu that he wants to go with her. He leaks that he learned to draw a charm. He thinks he can help her. She’s surprised that the little devil god wished to be a good person. She agrees to it.

Pian Ran wakes up. She sees Ye Qingyu. She slaps him when she asks him why he’s in her room. She slaps him again when he mentions last night. She tells him that nobody allowed him to sleep over at her house. He explains to her that she didn’t wish him to leave when she was drunk.

Pian Ran learns that Ye Qingyu sat up on the floor all night. He tells her that he didn’t do something bad to her. She blames him for not sleeping with her. She tells him to leave after he has a lunch with her. He agrees to it. She tells him that she won’t eat him.

Ye Qingyu thinks Pian Ran is kidding. But she denies it. He tells her to take his life since he owed her a life. He mentions she met with her in the battlefield. She mentions she found him in the battlefield and kissed him. But she left her earring.

Ye Qingyu takes out the earring. He tells Pian Ran that he didn’t tell the truth to her because he worried that he would scare her. She asks him if she knows who she is. He admits it. He reveals he can sense the monster’s smell because he was a disciple of Xiaoyao Sect.

Pian Ran grabs Ye Qingyu’s collar. She learns that he knew she’s a monster early. She mentions he pretended to escort her home. He explains to her that he did it because he couldn’t control his feelings. He asks her to forgive him.

Ye Qingyu tells Pian Ran that she can do anything to him if she doesn’t forgive him. She tells him that she lost many powers for saving him. She wants to take a back. She kisses him. Pang Yizhi gives the charms to Ye Xiwu and Tantai Jin before he takes them to catch the monster. Ye Xiwu gets into Pian Ran’s house. She sees Pian Ran kissing her brother in the bed.

Pang Yizhi tells Tantai Jin that watching the show will hurt his eyes. Ye Xiwu sees Tantai Jin watching Ye Qingyu and Pian Ran. She thinks Tantai Jin is learning something bad. She sees Pian Ran sucking Ye Qingyu’s soul. She breaks into the house from the window when Pang Yizhi thinks Pian Ran is just teasing Ye Qingyu.

Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama: Episode 7 Ending

Episode 7 of Till the End of the Moon Chinese Drama ends with Tantai Jin telling Ye Xiwu that they just lied together. He tells her that he preferred to endure the pain of spring silkworm. She praises him for what he did to her. She tells him that she won’t be related to him in the future.

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