Joseon Attorney: A Morality K-Drama: Episode 1 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Joseon Attorney: A Morality K-Drama: Episode 1. Han-Soo arrives in Hanyang. He feels happy because he can feel the money from the people. He decides to open an attorney office in the city. Lady Hong gives the money to the guy. He’s moved.

Does Mr. Park Hire Han-Soo?

Joseon Attorney

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Joseon Attorney: A Morality K-Drama: Episode 1.

Yeon-Joo gives the cold drink to Lady Hong. Lady Hong takes a look at Yeon-Joo. She thinks she’s like the daughter of a ruined nobleman. Yeon-Joo tells Lady Hong that she’s a princess. Dong-Chi complains to Choo-Sal that Mr. Park’s wine is better than his wine.

Choo-Sal goes to beat Mr. Park. Mr. Park runs to Han-Soo’s place. He asks Han-Soo to help him. Han-Soo helps Mr. Park hide. But he lets Choo-Sal catch Mr. Park. Yeon-Joo stops Choo-Sal before he beats Mr. Park. Choo-Sal tries to hurt Yeon-Joo. But he’s beaten by her bodyguard.

Yeon-Joo sees Han-Soo. She stares at him. He walks away. Lady Hong shows up. She blames Choo-Sal for bring trouble to her place. She asks him to compensate her. He has to leave. Mr. Park tries to pick up the stuff on the ground. Lady Hong stops him. She tells him that she said so for scaring Choo-Sal. She lets him leave. Yeon-Joo tells her bodyguard to look into Choo-Sal.

Mr. Park pours his wine into the river. He complains to the heaven that he cannot see his wine. He sees the Han-Soo’s poster. He learns that he’s look for a client. Mr. Park goes to see Han-Soo. Han-Soo admits that he’s an attorney.

Mr. Park is furious to hit Han-Soo. Han-Soo avoids his attack. Mr. Park blames Han-Soo for not helping him. Han-Soo points out that Mr. Park didn’t hire him. He asks him for the fees. He tells him to use the law to deal with Choo-Sal.

Mr. Park is furious to leave Han-Soo’s office. He runs into his wife and his son. He leaves with his families. Dong-Chi hits Han-Soo. He complains to him that he tried his best to get him the client. Han-Soo thinks Mr. Park isn’t ready for the case. He intends to push him to edge of the cliff.

Mr. Park asks the attorney to help him. But the attorney pushes him over. Mr. Park breaks all of his wines with the stick. He cries. Han-Soo sees Mr. Park. He thinks he will come to his place. Mr. Park goes to see Yeon-Joo. He tells her that he’s going to leave Hanyang.

Yeon-Joo reminds Mr. Park that Hanyang is his hometown. She thinks there will be a way. He complains to her that the only person who will help him is the bad guy Han-Soo. He walks away with her money. She gets changed. She smiles.

Yeon-Joo meets with her brother the king Lee Hyul. She lets him taste Mr. Park’s wine. She tells him that she wishes more people to taste Mr. Park’s wine. She reveals Mr. Park cannot run his wine business because Master Jang. Lee Hyul promises to help Mr. Park because he’s a king.

Han-Soo gives out the flyers to the people. He tells them that he will help them if they visit him. Yeon-Joo receives his flyer. She’s furious to throw the flyer to his head. She thinks he’s a bad person. Dong-Chi reports to Han-Soo that Mr. Park is going to leave the city.

Someone sets a fire on Mr. Park’s house. Mr. Park’s mother is hurt when she puts out the fire. Mr. Park gets on knees to Han-Soo. He asks him to be his attorney. Han-Soo tells Mr. Park that he’s his brother from now on. He tells him to sign the contract.

Yeon-Joo stops Mr. Park. She reveals Han-Soo was the one who set a fire on his house. But Mr. Park chooses to trust Han-Soo. He signs the contract. He leaves Han-Soo’s office. Yeon-Joo follows Mr. Park. She tells him to wait for a while. She smiles when she sees the bodyguard. But the bodyguard tells her that King failed to help Mr. Park.

Master Jang beats his followers after knowing there’s a lawsuit. Choo-Sal intends to look for an attorney as well. But Master Jang is against it. Because he doesn’t want to waste his money on the attorney. Yeon-Joo remembers the bodyguard told her that King failed to help Mr. Park. She sees Han-Soo throwing the clothes into the fire.

Joseon Attorney: A Morality K-Drama: Episode 1 Ending

Episode 1 of Joseon Attorney: A Morality K-Drama ends with Yeon-Joo apologizing to Han-Soo. She tells him that she didn’t know how to apologize to him because it was her first time to do so. He tells her to close her eyes. He asks her for a kiss.

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